




JetBrains 是一家为开发者提供开发工具的软件公司。JetBrains 创造了 RubyMine 这款基于 JetBrains 公司的 IntelliJ IDEA 平台的软件。

RubyMine 提供 RubyMotion 集成,基于上下文的自动完成、可视化调试、代码重构等功能。


PhraseApp 为 Web 和 移动应用提供翻译管理解决方案。与你的团队保持写作,聘用专业的翻译人员并掌控整个翻译过程。

PhraseApp 支持 RubyMotion,可以让你非常轻松地使你的应用国际化。只需简单打开你的应用,需要翻译的字符串便会自动导出,并可以通过在线编辑器进行管理。




Kyan has been building Ruby on Rails web applications since 2006 and we now have one of the most experienced Ruby teams in the UK.

Our team has worked with clients ranging from small startups to multinational banks, helping them leverage the benefits of Ruby based software. RubyMotion has allowed us to bring our experience and expertise to mobile.

At Kyan we pride ourselves in having all the design & development skills you need under one roof – everything is made in the UK by our full time team with no outsourcing.

Give us a call today about how we can help you.


Synbioz has been part of the Ruby ecosystem since 2007, delivering web applications using Ruby on Rails. We then early adopted RubyMotion to deliver top notch mobile applications. Based in France we are dedicated to help customers to reach their goals. They love how fast we’re delivering working and beautifully designed applications. We also have a strong commitment of sharing our knowledge on our blog and on Hackademy, our video platform, for free.